Free FC Kit gift bottle with your first SugarShield subscription!   Expiry:   Code: kitgift

  Free FC Kit gift bottle with your first SugarShield subscription!   Expiry:   Code: kitgift

About Us

Welcome to Fructose Control! We are a passionate team based in North Vancouver, Canada. With a rich heritage spanning three generations and over 60 years in the health food industry, we are proud to be closely connected to some of the founders of the natural health industry. Our team includes a trained herbalist who brings a wealth of knowledge in natural remedies, a user researcher who ensures our products meet your needs, and a marketing expert who helps us reach a wider audience. Truth is though, we stepped away from natural health for a time. Ultimately, it was too much reading and research that resulted in piecing together what we believe is a wholly new approach to wellness. As a result, we are now focusing on one single set of products that we think could change the world.

Our journey began with a desire to better our own health. Getting older, we all want to feel better. You would think being connected to the health industry would make this easy, but no. We now see that we have been too busy treating symptoms, and not the cause of the problem.

As researchers, we are naturally analytical and inquisitive, always seeking knowledge and understanding. It was through this process that we stumbled upon groundbreaking scientific research related to fructose and its impact on our health. In particular, Dr Richard Johnson’s book “Nature Wants Us to Be Fat: The Surprising Science Behind Why We Gain Weight and How We Can Prevent–and Reverse–It”, sent us down a rabbit hole of further research. Not only did our research reveal that Fructose is the source of metabolic illness, but we discovered that a natural compound exists that is capable of reversing it: Luteolin.

What we discovered was truly eye-opening. It was elegant, simple, and every piece of evidence fit. The seeming purpose of fructose even evoked awe in its elegance and design. In the months that followed, every new piece of scientific research only seemed to confirm our conclusions, making the ring of truth undeniable. So we tried experimenting with the supplements ourselves to see whether our conclusions were correct. To our amazement, we saw results immediately, across our entire family. Energy improvement, mental clarity, leptin sensitivity restored, weight loss, gout relief, insulin levels restored, and much much more. And that was just for our family.

As such, we felt a strong sense of responsibility to share this information with the world. Waiting for pharmaceutical companies to take action seemed irresponsible, especially when safe, natural, and readily available supplements already exist. The number of lives that not only be bettered, but even saved by getting this education out there motivated us to take action. We believe that everyone should have access to these tools to improve their health and well-being. Information like this should not be held hostage because of greed.

Our main focus in creating this website is education and empowerment. We want to ensure that this life-changing knowledge reaches as many people as possible, allowing them to make informed choices about their health. However it is historically clear that mankind’s attempts to reduce sugar have been a failure thus far. Our supplements make controlling fructose simple and achievable, while not requiring major lifestyle changes — until we feel ready. We hope to use the proceeds from selling these supplements to spread this critical education far and wide, for everyone’s benefit.

By joining us and supporting our mission, you are not only taking control of your own health but also helping us create a healthier world. We are committed to providing safe, natural, and effective solutions that promote well-being and improve quality of life.

Thank you for being part of this community. It is our hope that controlling fructose changes your life. Whether improving your sense of wellness, helping you regain control of weight, or even helping to prevent and relieve illnesses that may be causing you and your families great anxiety.

We wish you good health.

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Unlock a Healthier You

Don’t let Fructose harm your health any longer. Luteolin is the key to restoring your well-being. Experience the difference with our supplements.